Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Our office in our new location is coming along.  We have been wiring for phone and internet so should have that up soon.  Our manufacturing area is being cleaned out so some concrete can be poured to finish the floor.  

I would like to also correct my earlier post where I said there were two veterans who lost everything in the fire.  There were actually three.  Two are relatively young men in their 20's to 30's and the other is a Vietnam vet in his 70's. 

It is believed the cause of the fire was electrical in nature, but it is under investigation. The foam insulation, while burning quickly, created a wall from the outside world thus containing the fire to the building itself and not allowing it to spread.  It also allowed us enough time to save the servers and some computers that were in the building.  Luckily no one was hurt and that is a blessing.

While we are struggling to get our manufacturing back up and running we have considered selling some other items that we were going to bring in to pair with the minerals in supplemental packs.  Look for those to come perhaps sooner rather than later.  The website is still being worked on so items will be posted there when it is up and running.

Thank you so much for your prayers in our behalf.  It means so much more than can be expressed in mere words.  Wishing you all good health!

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